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제 19 호 How does SNS affect Our Lives?: Positive or Negative

  • 작성일 2023-08-17
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 16543


How does SNS affect Our Lives?

: Positive or Negative

By Ye-Dam Hwang, Cub-reporter


  Do you have a SNS app in your phone? Like its meaning (social networking service), today, many people use SNS and they share their life through this app by posting some photos and texts. Also, SNS is used by people all over the world, SNS connects people globally. Through these functions, some people who are popular and have many followers appeared such as influencers and celebrities. Like buying something that an influencer used or following trends that a celebrity leads, the influencers and the celebrities affect people and their lives. However, SNS has not only positive things but also negatives. People can be swindled by influencers and some people can make an effort to be famous and popular like influencers.

  As this influence range of SNS is growing bigger, nowadays, some dramas and movies deal with SNSs impact on people. These media show not only positive effects of SNS, but also their negative effects, too. Actually, they mostly treat some problems of SNS. They imply us an issue of SNS and denote the danger of peoples blindness about SNS. Therefore, this article is going to check some issues of SNS using the media and videos about it.

Appearance of Dramas about SNS

  These days, some dramas and movies deal with SNS, especially the negatives. Maybe these medias appearance is natural because the power of SNS and their influence are growing bigger while issues of SNS can be social problems. For example, the fast spread of information can help to convey fake news, the anonymity of SNS can cause malicious messages, and too much care of SNS can cause addiction to it. Like these changes caused by SNS, its function can make not only good effects but also bad effects. It proves that SNS affects our lives more deeply than we think.

  There are some dramas and movies about SNSs negative aspects such as Celebrity and Happiness Battle. As you can guess with its title, Celebrity shows celebrities in SNS and their lives. It mainly describes the fancy and fierce aspect of celebrities who get money when he or she become famous that Ari who has been an ordinary person and made a debut in the world of celebrities faces. A suspense thriller drama Happiness Battle shows us how people do anything to protect their images that are shown to others. Its main story is the battle between the person trying to conceal the secret and the person trying to reveal the suspicious death of one of the mothers who fiercely competed for happiness on social media.

About SNSs Problems in the Dramas

  In Celebrity, people are carried away by celebritys or influencers opinions. Since the fast spread of information, it is easy to be wish-washy with news that cannot be checked correctly if the news is true or fake. Then it can cause the malicious comments to the target of their swayed viewpoint. In the last part of this drama, the girl who helped and threatened Ari acts like a rich person, but the truth is the complete opposite. Also the celebrities in the drama break off the person with problems to keep them from affecting by him or her, even if that persons problem is tiny. Through these two situations, we can realize that most people who use SNS want to protect their images that show famousness and popularity. Moreover, it can be interpreted as reflecting peoples inhumanity because some people cut off relationships only for their images.

  In Happiness Battle, the mothers of an apartment compete happiness with their social media posts. As they compete in their life, they give presents affectionately or post an ugly picture of some of them. It can seem somewhat childish, but they are obsessed with their posts number of likes and comments. With this situation, it can cause addiction to SNS and further destroy peoples lives.

Besides the two dramas mentioned above, many SNS-themed dramas and movies appear these days. Their appearance makes clear the issues and problems that SNS gives to our lives. Since the problem of SNS is not only for special people, I hope people, at least readers of this article will beware of SNS and this article will alert people to using SNS.

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